Medely mobile app

A mobile application for healthcare professionals to book and work shifts.


Medely users use their phones to clock in and out of shifts at healthcare facilities, but we do not have a native product. The existing solution relied on a mobile web implementation where professionals had to navigate to a website and log in before clocking in or out of a shift.

● Our support teaches customers how to save our mobile web portal to their home screen as a shortcut to help limit this friction.
● We mitigate some friction by using automated SMS and email by linking directly to our platform, but this only reduces some pain.
● SMS and email messages are our primary means of communicating with pros and are easily lost behind focus/do-not-disturb filters, spam filters, blocked, or forgotten.
● Mobile browser location services are required for clocking in and out of shifts with geofencing. Configuration of these settings is problematic for many customers.